Acu Symbol 2

Incoming Wire Transfers  

Incoming wire transfers. 

An incoming wire transfer is when money is being sent to an ACU account from an account owned by another individual at another FI, anywhere else in the world. ACU charges you a fee to receive wire transfers. Additional fees may be charged by intermediary financial institutions, taken from the funds being transferred.

Incoming wires that are sent in currencies other than CAD are converted to Canadian Dollars before being credited to your ACU bank account. The exception is if you have a USD account, incoming wires in USD are not converted and are deposited directly into your USD account.

Incoming wires cannot be traced by ACU; we can only follow the paper trail of outgoing wires. If you were expecting to receive a wire but it has not yet arrived, please contact the sender and ask them to place a trace at their bank. The sending financial institution then faxes a request to all the intermediary institutions that were involved. There are a variety of reasons why wires may not arrive on time; such as if an intermediary bank is missing information of the sender or receiver, that bank may hold the wire until someone contacts them.

Currency is converted to Canadian funds before being deposited to the member's account.
Currency is converted to Canadian funds before being deposited to the member's account.

Currency is converted to Canadian funds before being deposited to the member's account.
Currency is converted to Canadian funds before being deposited to the member's account.
Currency is converted to Canadian funds before being deposited to the member's account.
Currency is converted to Canadian funds before being deposited to the member's account.
Currency is converted to Canadian funds before being deposited to the member's account.
Currency is converted to Canadian funds before being deposited to the member's account.
Unless the member has a US Dollar account, funds are converted to Canadian dollars before being deposited.
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