Acu Symbol 2

Announcing the 2021-2022 ACU Board of Directors

At our March 16, 2021 annual meeting, members elected the following three candidates to the Assiniboine Credit Union Board of Directors:

   Marina James (incumbent)
   Jacqueline Keena
   Paul Lacap (incumbent)

Retiring board member Kevin Freedman will not be moving forward with the 2021-2022 board. We thank him for his long service and contributions.

Including the newly elected board members, the 2021-2022 Board of Directors is as follows:

   Marina James
   Jacqueline Keena
   Crystal Laborero
   Paul Lacap
   Anne Lindsey
   Marlene Lock
   James Magnus-Johnston
   Priti Mehta-Shah
   Alain Molgat
   Glenn Williams

Members also voted in favour of the following resolution:


  1. Amending By-Law No. 2021/01 of the Credit Union, being a by-law to amend the By-Laws of the Credit Union, in the form provided to the members of the Credit Union with the notice of this annual meeting of the members, is hereby enacted, approved and confirmed without variation or amendment;
  2. Any officer or director of the Credit Union is hereby authorized and directed to do and perform all such acts and things, including, without limitation, the execution of documents, necessary or desirable to give effect to the foregoing resolution, including, without limitation, the preparation of consolidated and restated By-Laws as at March 16, 2021, incorporating the amendments contained in Amending By-Law No. 2021/01

For full details, see the PDF Amending By-Law No. 2021/01

Winnipeg, MB - Wednesday | March 17, 02:08 PM
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