ACU Announces 2022 Share Dividends
The Assiniboine Credit Union Board of Directors is pleased to announce a dividend for both preference shares and surplus shares.
Preference shares
A dividend of 5.0% was declared for 2022 and will be paid to preference shareholders on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. Dividends will be paid in the form of additional preference shares to Class Assiniboine and Class Astra shares; dividends will be paid in cash on Class Entegra shares.
Surplus shares
A dividend of 2.5% on surplus shares was paid on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 in the form of additional surplus shares.
For further information on preferred or surplus shares, please contact the Member Communication Centre at 204.958.8588 or toll free at 1.877.958.8588.
Winnipeg, MB - Wednesday | January 4, 12:36 PM