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Commercial Investment Services

Our commercial account managers offer personalized commercial banking and investment services for your business. We can help you:

  • Earn more interest on your commercial investments when you have excess cash.
  • Get the best possible interest rates.
  • Create a laddered, long-term commercial investment strategy that brings you security, capital preservation and predictable interest return.
  • Set up a revolving line of credit strategy, using the interest you earn to reduce lending costs.
  • Develop risk-management strategies for employee benefit pension plans.
  • Review banking options to make sure you’re getting the best value.

Plus, ​deposits guaranteed 100% by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba.

Featured advice and stories

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10 must-follow steps to starting a successful small business

Are you tired of being in the rat race and feeling the humdrum of the daily grind? Like many of [...]
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Follow these ‘5 Cs’ when applying for a business loan

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are the lifeblood of the Canadian [...]
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What small businesses should expect from their financial institution

If you’re a small business owner or entrepreneur, look for these five things from your [...]

Need more help?

Call us at 204-958-8588 / 1-877-958-8588 to book an appointment with a financial advisor. 

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