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We continuously strive for excellence in serving our members and improving the communities where we live. We are proud and grateful to receive these awards and accolades in recognition of our success and achievements:


2023: Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Spririt of Winnipeg Award (Environment and Energy)

2013-2023: ACU named one of Canada’s Greenest Employers

2022: Received Gold Commuter Challenge

2017: National Credit Union Social Responsibility Award

2014: Assiniboine Credit Union receives Anne Lindsey Protecting Our Earth Award


2019: ACU named 2019 Spirit of Winnipeg Winner

2018: Spirit of Community Award – The MNPHA Spirit of Housing Awards 2018

2018: National marketing awards for Assiniboine Credit Union

2017: ACU named Top 3 in Canada in member service

2017: PMI Project of the Year Award

2017: Manitoba Co-op Association Youth Leadership Award

2016: Assiniboine receives National Community Economic Development Award

2015: National Credit Union Social Responsibility Award

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