2016-2025: Assiniboine named one of Manitoba's Top Employers
2020: National Credit Union Learning Excellence Award
2016, 2018: ACU awarded a Manitoba Start 2018 Legacy Award for Excellence
2017: Cooperative Youth Leadership Award
2016: ACU named one of Canada's Best Employers for New Canadians
2023: Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Spririt of Winnipeg Award (Environment and Energy)
2013-2023: ACU named one of Canada’s Greenest Employers
2022: Received Gold Commuter Challenge
2017: National Credit Union Social Responsibility Award
2014: Assiniboine Credit Union receives Anne Lindsey Protecting Our Earth Award
2019: ACU named 2019 Spirit of Winnipeg Winner
2018: Spirit of Community Award – The MNPHA Spirit of Housing Awards 2018
2018: National marketing awards for Assiniboine Credit Union
2017: ACU named Top 3 in Canada in member service
2017: PMI Project of the Year Award
2017: Manitoba Co-op Association Youth Leadership Award
2016: Assiniboine receives National Community Economic Development Award
2015: National Credit Union Social Responsibility Award